Form Prepared By:
Was this crime reported to any Law Enforcement Agency? *
If “Yes,” to which agency:
Was this crime reported to any other Campus Officials? *
Does the reporting individual wish to file a police complaint? *
The following crime was reported (check all that applies)
Indicate type of sex offense
Definitions for each of the above crimes as well as the definition of a hate crime can be accessed here
Was the crime indicated above a hate crime?
If Yes, please indicate category
Was there evidence of a hate crime and did the incident involve simple assault, intimidation, larceny-theft of property OR destruction/damage/vandalism of property?
Crime occurred:
Location of Crime: *
Reference the Clery Act Disclosure Locations/Addresses Listing for an up-to-date listing of on- and off-campus, public, and private property locations for which incidents/crimes must be reported. These documents can be accessed here.